How to learn less but better


You don't have to sit in class all day to get great grades. All you need to do is change your approach to learning - our tips on how to learn better will help you.

Alternate subjects and topics to make learning easier

There is nothing worse than monotony. The brain "boils" when you spend hours solving the same type of problems in mathematics or cramming dates in history. Do not do this. 

Work in blocks more efficiently. For example, half an hour of graphics in algebra, half an hour of equations, and the next hour is a table of social studies. This is the approach taken by Zina Kuznetsova, a student of the Foxford Externship and Home School. She believes that if you do one subject all day, you will quickly overwork, you need to switch to learn better. 

Focus on one task

As tempting as it is to do your homework while watching the lesson tape, you shouldn't. 

This kind of multitasking hinders productivity. Although it takes a fraction of a second to switch attention, the brain quickly gets tired of it. 

When taking on something, pay maximum attention to it. Turn off notifications in instant messengers and social networks, close unnecessary browser tabs and move your phone away to make it faster and easier to learn. 

Train your concentration with the Pomodoro Method. Alina Akhayeva, an external student at Foxford, tested its effectiveness on herself . She set the intervals in which study alternates with rest: 25 minutes of active work and 15 minutes of rest. On average, it turns out six "tomatoes" a day.

Improve your self-education skills 

Which is faster - walking or cycling? The answer is obvious. Likewise with studying - the process will go much better if you learn to learn. Here are our tips:

  • Learn one or more note-taking techniques . Summaries are not at all long and tedious, but easy and useful. A correctly written note will help to comprehend and remember the information, and it will become easier to study. 

  • Develop your memory. Mnemonics to help. There is even a separate course at Foxford Home School with techniques to make it easier to learn.

  • Train your reading speed . Slow reading leads to distractions that you get tired of. And most importantly, a slow reading person does not keep up with the growing volume of information. 

In 1932, British psychologist Alex Mays wrote the book The Psychology of Learning. The professor suggested that it is much more productive not to cram, but to repeat the material at regular intervals. In 1939, this method was tested on 3,600 students and proved to be effective.  

There is a spaced repetition formula: Y = 2X + 1.

Y is the day when information will start to be forgotten; X is the day of the last touch with information. It is easy to calculate that the lesson that took place on Monday should be repeated by Thursday. Psychologists recommend the following scheme:

  • the first repetition - 15-20 minutes after the lesson;

  • second repetition after two hours;

  • the third repetition - the next day or every other day;

  • fourth repetition - three days later;

  • fifth repetition in a week.  

Monitor your well-being

When the body is out of order, learning does not bear fruit. It is necessary to maintain a balance between study and rest. Our tips to make it easier to learn:

  • Try to get up and go to bed at the same time. Sleep 7-8 hours a day.

  • Eat a healthy diet. You should have fruits and vegetables in your diet all year round.

  • Get fit. Some of the proteins the brain needs are intensively produced only during exercise. You don't have to go to the gym. Simple exercise and walking already significantly improves cognitive functions.

  • Take breaks every 25-30 minutes of intense mental activity. Just do not open social networks or watch TV shows during your vacation - the new flow of information will not allow you to relax. Better to have some tea or just lie down with your eyes closed.

To study better, you must definitely find time to rest, says Yana Negan , a student at Oxford Home School . Sometimes you need to focus on your studies, and sometimes it is more important not to sit in the lesson, but to go for a walk or draw. Online school makes it possible to listen to yourself, so why not?

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