Literature Review

Since writing is a must, then the answer to the question how important is it for lecturers to write books? Of course the answer is very important, and the following is the meaning of the importance of lecturers writing books and other types of writing: 1. It is a form of moral responsibility to increase the number of publications How important is it for lecturers to write books? So the answer is indeed very important, and the first important meaning is that it can encourage an increase in the number of publications in the form of books. Both nationally and internationally and order assignment online.
This shows the moral responsibility of a lecturer in increasing the number of publications. Of course, it is hoped that it will not only increase the quantity (amount), but also improve the quality of the writing itself. The number of publications in the academic world in Indonesia is still far behind other countries. Not only from countries whose education is known to the world, it has developed. But also from a number of neighboring countries. To overcome this, the government requires lecturers to publish. Especially for journals, it is expected to publish reputable international journals indexed by Scopus. 2. Career Support for Promotion The publication of a book by a lecturer will be recognized as a fulfillment of the BKD according to the previous explanation. So that the form of publication is then recognized as an addition to the value of the lecturer's credit score. This lecturer credit score certainly helps lecturers to develop their career paths. Because a certain number of lecturers are then entitled to apply for academic promotions. More and more books and journals have been written and published by lecturers. Then the greater the number of credits owned. So you can get promoted soon and Buy Speech Online. More and more lecturers hold high academic positions, especially professors. This further shows the credibility and quality of the college where the lecturer teaches. So that it becomes the community's choice to take education and give a high accreditation value from BAN-PT. 3. Become a Means to Build Personal Branding Lecturers also need personal branding to facilitate career development and self-development. Writing and publishing books is part of the personal branding. Lecturers who successfully publish a book will have their name listed on the cover of the book. Both as the main author and as a supporting writer. The name of the lecturer will then be better known. Moreover, lecturers who have succeeded in binding their knowledge into writing (books). It will be recognized for its credibility and the science is more valid. Considering the process of publishing a book, it needs to go through the editor's desk with a strict editing process. 4. Benefiting Yourself and the Surrounding Environment Through Binding Knowledge Into Books Books written by lecturers contain knowledge, insight, experience, and so on that broaden the horizons and knowledge of the readers. The book can also contain solutions to problems faced by readers. So writing and publishing books helps lecturers keep the knowledge they have eternal. At the same time it can be useful for yourself as a charity field and the surrounding environment. Because the book can be useful reading as well as a reference for compiling quality written works. So, how important it is for lecturers to write books, of course, the answer is very important and help me write my essay. Through the explanation above, it can be understood that writing a book is important for every lecturer in Indonesia and even in the world. So, there is no need to question how important it is for lecturers to write books?

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