A structure for your work is essential! As laborious as structuring a scientific paper can be, it is just as important. It helps to organize your ideas , to separate your own approaches from those of others, and to provide orientation during writing and reading. A well-considered structure runs like a common thread through your work and helps to find your way back to this common thread in the event of "sagging". If you are not making headway in the writing process, it is often helpful to take a look at the draft of your structure . If you run the risk of getting bogged down with reading, your structure will also help you. The structure is a preliminary stage to the table of contents and buy assignment online.
Good structuring tools are clusters, mind maps and the structure tree . These methods not only serve to structure , but also to develop the question.. If you want to try these methods, all you need is a pen and paper; and always use the landscape format!
The first step / cluster (a)
Write a term or idea in the middle of a piece of paper. Now make an associative note of your ideas about the term radiating around it. To begin with, trace a branch of the cluster and write as many ideas as possible side by side. Finally, connect these terms together. As soon as you can’t think of a term, start with an idea elsewhere in the cluster, etc. It is important that you develop your ideas uncensored. Therefore, ignore any logical order and do not judge your ideas either. It's not about a large number of useful ideas, but about the unhindered development of your ideas. There are no right or wrong ideas with this method!
Mind maps
A mind map (= thought map) as an order and structure procedure shows the relationship between different terms. In contrast to the cluster, the terms are already arranged. Mind mapping was developed by Tony Buzan in the 1960s.
Put the core word / topic in the middle. The most important points of view from which you view the topic are added as “branches” in a clockwise direction . Further branches can be arranged on these main branches . You can always branch further. The weighting of the terms and the relationship is shown in the mind mapthis to each other. (See also cluster (c)). In other words, if a term or a group of terms is disproportionately large, check whether these terms should actually be given such great weight in your work, or whether you should subdivide the terms into several categories. In the same way, a term or a group of terms can also appear disproportionately; Gaps become visible, additions may be necessary here. It often takes several attempts before your mind map is ready. In the course of your material research, you may expand and change your mind map. A well-structured mind map is an excellent basis for the table of contents of your work.
Structure tree
With the structure tree you start from a core term and highlight various facets of this term. These first branches are further subdivided or supplemented by further branches. If you use the structure tree to find a topic [1] or a question [2] , you can now decide on certain branches and sub-branches. If you use the structure tree to structure your work, it will help you to assign your researched and new material. The tree can continue to grow and you can - similar to mind mapping - check whether the branches and twigs are weighted too heavily or too weakly. A well "grown" structure tree.
Concept / synopsis
The concept / synopsis is an overview of your research project . It should outline your project [1] on approximately two to five A4 pages . It is an orientation aid for you - as well as for your supervisor or client (e.g. in the course of the planning phase of a book). Particularly in the run-up to the thesis [2] , it is important to present your thesis supervisor with such an outline and plan so that he / she can get an idea of your project.
In general, about 60% of all difficulties that arise in the context of writing a written paper are based on the fact that the concept and the content structure are missing and buy assignment.
Provisional table of contents and chapter
Create from the start next to a concept / expose a Table of Contents . This gives you the ability to view the very beginning of your work narrow material , to the planned chapter to focus and target the assign these to be processed literature. To structure your preliminary table of contents, you can use the mind mapping visualization method] , which can also help you to come up with ideas for the individual chapters and sub-chapters to come and formulate them.
Although only precise planning and a targeted scientific approach form the basis for good work, your project will be a work in progress right up to the end . In the course of your work process you may realize that individual chapters turn out to be unsuitable or that scientific transparency and comprehensibility require further sub-chapters.
Such changes are also easier to make if you create a table of contents right from the start in addition to the formulation of your research project in the form of a concept, which can be modified.
The concept and the preliminary table of contents together form the central thread that will help you find your way through your work without complications.
Provisional table of contents and chapter
Create from the start next to a concept / expose a Table of Contents . This gives you the ability to view the very beginning of your work narrow material , to the planned chapter to focus and target the assign these to be processed literature. To structure your preliminary table of contents, you can use the mind mapping visualization method , which can also help you to come up with ideas for the individual chapters [3] and sub-chapters to come and formulate them.
Although only precise planning and a targeted scientific approach form the basis for good work, your project will be a work in progress right up to the end . In the course of your work process you may realize that individual chapters turn out to be unsuitable or that scientific transparency and comprehensibility require further sub-chapters and my premium essay.
Such changes are also easier to make if you create a table of contents right from the start in addition to the formulation of your research project in the form of a concept, which can be modified.
The concept and the preliminary table of contents together form the central thread that will help you find your way through your work without complications.