How do you write a good academic paper?

What should be considered when creating a term paper, seminar paper, project work, bachelor thesis, master thesis, examination thesis, doctoral thesis, etc.? - Our tips straight from the ghostwriter and buy college assignment
WHY DO YOU EVEN WRITE A SCIENTIFIC PAPER? Have you ever asked yourself that too? Why all the stress if you don't even get a Nobel Prize ?! Every student who is brooding over his homework, term paper, bachelor or master thesis, asks himself what all the stress is about. The answer is simple: on the one hand, such work is the proof of achievement for a course. A certificate, points and / or a corresponding certificate beckons as a reward. On the other hand, it is primarily about showing that one has learned to work with the "scientific tool". Prove that you can solve a scientific problem. The topic is rather secondary - you should prove that you can work on this topic with the means and knowledge from your studies. It should show that he can systematically work on a question using scientific literature. To do this, he must present facts and arguments in writing and apply scientific methods and theoretical approaches competently. In principle, that is what is important in a scientific work: Formulating a question and answering it by substantiating and refuting theses? TIP: CLARIFY THE TASK FOR THE SCIENTIFIC WORK! In order not to miss the topic or to miss the task, it is very important to first clarify the specific task in order to know what is required, how and by when. To do this, clarify: Subject : Can you choose the subject yourself or do you get a subject? What exactly is behind the topic? Does it still have to be specified or narrowed down? And is it even editable - within the framework of the specifications? Content requirements : What content requirements are there? Formal requirements : What should the layout look like? Which citation should be used? What are the formal requirements? Number of pages: How many pages should the work have at least and at most? Literature : Is the literature given or should you research it yourself? Supervision : What options does the supervision offer? Is there help with the topic, with the research question, with the literature search, with the creation and clarification of the structure? Is there an opportunity to discuss parts of the work before submitting it? Deadline : By when do you have to hand in the work at the latest? Plan a time "buffer" for this! WHO DECIDES WHETHER A SCIENTIFIC PAPER IS GOOD? This is not decided by the student, but by the examiner (s). No matter how enthusiastic the student is about their work, what counts is what “the other side” thinks of it. It is therefore helpful to know the evaluation criteria according to which scientific work is judged. Because: The more the scientific work meets these criteria, the better it will be rated - and vice versa, the more I violate it, the worse the work will be graded! We therefore recommend that you pay close attention to these aspects when preparing your thesis. We have developed these ten criteria from our many years of experience. The order also shows their importance in grading. Thus, the first criteria decide on the evaluation of your work. But the last criteria must also be implemented positively in order to receive a very good rating and buy university assignment and buy university assignment. TIP: OBSERVE THE EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR SCIENTIFIC PAPERS! Question : Is the question for the scientific work appropriate to the level? Is it editable? Is it precisely formulated? Is there a comprehensible way to answer this question ? Will the answer to this question be critically reflected upon at the end of the work? Structure : Does this structure of the scientific work fit the question? Is this structure comprehensible? Is it logical and argumentative? Is there a "red thread" recognizable in the structure of the sections and chapters, which leads to the scientific answer to the question? Empiricism, theories and methods : Is the appropriate empirical method, theory and method chosen for this question? Is the question, research perspective, empirical analysis, object of analysis and the method used also epistemologically reflected? Use of literature : Does the selection of literature correspond in quality and quantity to the question, the research object, the theories and the methods, the state-of-the-art of the scientific debates and research approaches? Is there an independent examination of the state of research recognizable? Is the literature used argumentative or is literature listed indiscriminately that has something to do with the topic? Is the literature up-to-date and does it reflect the current research perspectives and research results? The amount of literature depends on the topic and the level of academic work. As a rule of thumb, you can assume about 1 to 1.5 (sometimes 2) titles per page. I. E. a term paper of 15 pages of content should have processed between approx. 15 and approx. 22 titles - a doctoral thesis of 150 pages can already list over 300 titles. Research approach : Is it recognizable that the selected research approach and the method are used competently? Nomenclature : Are the relevant technical terms used and correctly used? Scientific style : Are the written expression and language level appropriate to the level of the scientific work? Are the statements and the arguments conveyed in an understandable and convincing manner? Spelling etc .: Are the spelling, punctuation and grammar correct or are there many errors? If you suspect that there are weaknesses here, you should use professional editing . Formalities : Are the specifications for this scientific work taken into account? Is a citation style used throughout? Is it the required way of quoting? Are the font, font size, line spacing, etc and my premium essay. correct? Are all the cited titles listed in the bibliography? Are all abbreviations in the list of abbreviations? Are all tables and figures labeled informatively and listed in the appropriate directories? Are the cover sheet and "affidavit" (if desired) correct? Originality : Is the treatment of the topic or the solution to the question particularly original? Are you surprised by the approach and the answer? ... you should do a plagiarism test - even if you are convinced that you have not intentionally "written off" at any point . So that plagiarism does not arise accidentally or through a revision.

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