Apply, get accepted and get started - it could be that simple. However, there is often a lot of paperwork to do before the first day. In addition to the employment contract, other forms have to be filled out, the employer needs a wide variety of documents and many of the documents have yet to be applied for and custom speech writing service.
A future trainee can quickly get scared. After all, none of them said anything in school. What do you actually need? And where do you get it from? Question after question ... Here are a few tips to get you started:
From gross to net
Those who work have to pay wage tax. The employer deducts the corresponding amount from the training allowance. To do this, however, he needs the tax identification number, or tax ID for short, from the trainee or young professional.
Anyone who has already worked can find it in the income tax assessment or on the income tax receipt. It is a series of numbers consisting of eleven digits that everyone receives from birth with a permanent residence in Germany. They are already assigned babies by the tax office.
Depending on which denomination a trainee belongs to, he also has to pay church taxes. Some religious groups charge them to cover their expenses. How high the contribution rate is differs from state to state.
Be prepared in case
Apprentices are no longer insured through their parents, but are obliged to take out insurance themselves. That is why you have to find out about the funds, their contribution amounts and benefits early enough. It is best to take out the insurance before the first working day, at the latest 14 days afterwards. Otherwise you will be insured where you were previously in family insurance.
Social insurance includes long-term care, pension and unemployment insurance. You need a social security number for them. In some industries - such as construction - you often have to carry the corresponding ID with you. Like wage tax, the contributions are deducted from the training allowance. What is then left is the so-called "net wage".
Where the money goes
So that the employer can pay out the remaining amount to his employees, they should have their own checking account. It is important to remember the bank details, i.e. the IBAN and the name of the bank. Because the company will also ask about this.
It is also useful to find out more about liability and occupational disability insurance. Anyone who has their own apartment needs one for their household effects. But don't worry, the experts are there to help career starters choose and speech writing services online.
Résumé of the prison career
For some professions - especially if you have to do with children or work in a security-sensitive industry - a police clearance certificate is required. If the employer wants one, anyone over the age of 14 can request it from the city or local authority.
It usually takes two to three weeks to process. Which offenses are noted in it depends on the type of certificate: In the private one only finds a certain degree of severity, in the extended one there are also smaller offenses. The official certificate of good conduct contains everything that has been criminally guilty of.
Visit a doctor before the training
All underage trainees are obliged by the Youth Protection Act to undergo a medical examination. They receive a mandatory certificate that must be submitted to the company. You should therefore take care of it in good time, but not too early. The following applies: a maximum of 14 months. The document should not be older.
In some areas, such as the food industry and catering, a health certificate is also required. This is a certificate of the current state of health. The cost of the certificate, which differs in each city, is in some cases covered by the employer. Trainees should just ask. After the application, an appointment is made for the initial instruction. Here information is provided about hygiene standards and infectious diseases.
Financial support
During their first education, children of legal age up to the age of 25 can apply for their child benefit to be continued. The amount depends primarily on how many children you are.
There are also increases at regular intervals. If the trainee still lives at home, his parents receive the sum to pay for his or her maintenance. If he already lives in his own apartment, the child benefit will be transferred to the parents, but they are obliged to pay it to their child.
Anyone who moves to another city for training has another option for financial support: vocational training allowance, or BAB for short. Since there are some requirements for this, you should find out more from the Federal Employment Agency and my premium essay. There you can also get information on a wide variety of other topics - such as looking for a job, the application letter or other financial support.